Thursday, 13 December 2012

Barong Bali

Barong Bali


// Excruciating moment is when you have to leave the people you love for your own sake..

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.

Monday, 15 October 2012


Cazielle is my friend's niece and she's way too cute :3

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Hey, I'm Singing!

Me singing Like A Star (Originally Sung by Corinne Bailey Rae). Well, this is my very first trial. Enjoy :D

irena riyadi - like a star (cover)

Tuesday, 25 September 2012


What you don't know can't hurt you.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

23.12 PM

At home. TV is on. Little bit unwell.

Friday, 23 March 2012

SMA Negeri 34 Jakarta

Sebenarnya ini adalah yearbook project dan kami (Kalistra, Saya, Randy, Dwiky, Jeni) masuk dalam team fotografi yang dipercaya untuk mengambil gambar kegiatan dan suasana di dalam SMA Negeri 34.

Menurut saya, sekolah ini adalah sekolah yang bersih dan memiliki fasilitas yang cukup lengkap. Selain itu banyak tanaman yang sengaja ditanam di sekitar area sekolah agar terkesan asri. Siswa-siswi dan guru-gurunya juga ramah menjamu kami, sehingga kami pun juga gampang berbaur dengan mereka dan merasa nyaman di sekolah ini.

LKS Agama Islam (SMA bangeeet!)

Laboratorium Fisika yang jadi studio foto dadakan

Kucing liar yang jalannya mirip rapper

Lorong kelas lantai 2

Lapangan basket dan futsal

Panitia yang mengatur adik-adik kelas untuk berfoto


Terima kasih untuk ramah-tamahnya ya, Adik-adik!
Semoga semua lulus dengan nilai terbaik :)

Thursday, 1 March 2012

What You've Done?

I made this piece to represent how I feel. Everyone has their own past and everyone has chance to rebuild everything which already ruined. Well, we all broke the promises, hurting somebody, disappointed, lying, or whatever. We did those bad things, but it doesn't mean we are bad people. We're not killing people, literally. For me, it takes a lot of effort to forget what I've done before. But, I must get rid of it and take another step away from it. I realize that I have right not to think really hard about my problem.
Actually, life gets more amusing if you care less.

Another Lines, Another Artworks

"When you love something, you'll love every little detail of it."
Irena Riyadi

Sunday, 1 January 2012

New Year!

Happy New Year 2012, Everyone