Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Mind Blowing

I'm just thinking about it as the deadline gets closer.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Far Away From Home

I miss my house and the feeling when I'm walking straight into it.


That's the reason.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Everybody Feels The Same?

*Courtessy from 9gag.

Kelas 06PEU Banget Nih!

Saya pilih yang paling mulia kalo begitu.

This Is My e-Scrapbook, Where Is Yours?

This is my first time e-scrapbook project with imaginary home as its theme. As you see, there are two trees inside the house, and I don't care about the trees inside, because it is my imaginary home, not yours.

I don't know how to add the swf file to this blog, so I just put some layouts and picture of my e-scrapbook.

That is the layout. If you click the curtain, love envelopes, or my head, it's gonna happen like this.

The most LOL part is when the curtain's up, you'll find 3 year old me dancing like stupid.

Blog Juga Punya Pantun


Quote Of The Day

Oke deh, Ren.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Minggu Sibuk :/

Setelah begadang selama 2 hari dari hari selasa sampe kamis pagi buat ngerjain tugas GSM (Graphic Standart Manual) sama tugas flash, akhirnya di sorenya saya dan teman saya Dini, baru bisa ngeprint di Subur. Subur bukan nama tempat jualan ginseng. Tapi ini tempat print langganan kami berdua. Pas di taksi, kita bedua ngerasain hal yang sama, mual plus puyeng. Mungkin gara-gara kurang istirahat. Tetep harus ceria walaupun begitu (ceria depan kamera).

Tapi, abis kelar ngeprint, semua penyakit-penyakit tukang begadang itu ilang. Soalnya, hasilnya sepadan sama pengorbanannya. Ya, harus sepadan, kalo ga sepadan ga ada yang namanya fixie *itu sepedaan kali pinter.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Layanan Masyarakat For AnF

Finally, I have time to rewrite this blog again. It seems so long since the last time I wrote this blog. The reason is I’ve been busy with college stuffs. Well, that’s sounds cliché. But, it is. :D

Anyway, I got so many things to share with you. Maybe I start it with my drawing project with AnF. AnF stands to Astrid And Friends. It’s a local band in Balikpapan. Yep, Balikpapan is the place where I was born. I help them make a painting for the video making. It’s called “Layanan Masyarakat” as their song title.